Getting Ready for Drawing 8

I wrote this in writing practice  today (topic: stitched to the earth):

Enough detail to seem real but enough left to imagine. I love this kind of balance. I like to feel that a painting or drawing happens in a real place yet has something present that is not immediately discernible. Some evocation of that which is beyond the senses. Caress the divine details. The details must have an aura or they are dead.

I am inspired by Marc Chagall, click to enlarge
Marc Chagall: Le marchand de journaux, 1914.

I am surprised that the picture was inserted into the blog! This painting is particularly grounded compared to others he has done. I will look at more of his work.

With the ingredients of “stitched to the earth,” and spending some time finding what it is about Chagall’s work, I will soon begin the next drawing.


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