Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

To be freed of all the ups and downs of the path and no longer be tormented by the possibility of a fall, the yogi must see reality perfectly and completely. The insight is itself liberation and the moment it dawns the yogi is instantly freed. This sudden realization is the goal of Tantric Yoga. Accordingly the Tantra declares: “He who perceives reality directly, even for the brief moment it takes to blink, is liberated that very instant and never reborn again.”

Although the yogi’s body and mind continue to function as before, they are like mere outer coverings which contain, but do not obscure, the mighty, universal consciousness which operates through them. The yogi’s body is the universe, the senses the energies that vitalize it, his mind Mantra, the rhythm of the breath the pulse of time and his inner nature pure, dynamic consciousness. Raised above all practice, and hence all possibility of falling to lower levels, the yogi realises that he always been free and that his journey through the dark land of Maya was nothing but a dream, a construct of his own imagination.

— Mark S.G. Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration, An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmir Shaivism


I believe that this is what the Christ meant when he said, “Wake up.”

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