Owning one’s own life.

I think one must finally take one’s life in one’s arms.

— Arthur Miller

I decided that the most subversive, revolutionary thing I could do was to show up for my life and not be ashamed.

— Anne Lamott

There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level.

— Jim Morrison

There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.
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There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.
Read more at http://www.quoteswave.com/picture-quotes/418035#ruTGQ1tPf6xAY7Kq.99

I am finding these thoughts to be resonant for me right now. I have had a sense of fragmentation in identity that is beginning to mend. For a very long time I have felt the Divine within myself. At the same time I haven’t been able to connect the dots between all of the parts of me and that divinity.

I had a dream where I was a refugee in rags. It was not a happy dream, and the overall tone was gray. At the very end, as I woke up, I had a flash of a very rich and colorful work of art. This I took as an indication that a new level of integration is about to happen for me. It was a sense that I was going from “rags to riches.” This means that, with increasing integration, I am able to honor all the pieces of who I am and bring them together in a perfect and beautiful way that is truly my own unique creation.

To live in denial of one’s unique wholeness, to live in self-judgment,  is a gray kind of life. I am ready to mend, to allow all of the parts to take their proper places in my Conscious awareness. As I do this, I am fully able to take my place in the scheme of things, and to serve from the heart.

I also strongly believe that many folks are having similar experiences. The sense of oneness among humans is becoming stronger as we all realize that we are part of one Whole, and that we can and will work together in concert for the good of that Whole.

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