Wisdom Cards

I am working on a project that was inspired by my time in Cushendall and by my years of spiritual contemplation, work with the oral tradition, and love of the relationship between pictures and words.

This post is to announce that this work is in progress and that the cards will be available in the future. If you are a “close friend,” I would love your feedback; when you sign in, you will see the cards. If you aren’t a “close friend” yet,  but know me personally, please let me know you would like to be a “close friend.” You can email me or submit a comment to this post.

My plan is to use the cards myself and to invite close friends to try them as well in order to have good company and feedback that will help me to refine the cards. I come not from the position of being a teacher, but rather as someone creating a joyful means for Self-contemplation.

I’m not a teacher; only a fellow traveler of whom you’ve asked the way. I pointed ahead– ahead of myself as well as you.

— George Bernard Shaw

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