Bringing Heaven to Earth

This morning when I did my nature meditation, I continued in the mode of appreciating details, or, as Natalie Goldberg says, “caressing the divine details.” I was able to put my attention on one thing and just rest there with the object of attention: the daffodils, a birch tree top, the mailboxes at the neighbors’ house (never noticed before!), the Land Rover parked across the street. I felt satisfied and content to rest my attention wherever it fell.

All of my life I have avoided many details, have not wanted to get trapped in them, and thus become a prisoner of the senses. Now I find that I can rest in the details, that I have a space in the Heart for them to reside. I believe this is what I mean when I use the term “ensouling the world.” When we transcend judgement and duality we enter the world with an open heart and there is then the possibility for true compassion to grow within us. The polarization/negativity that seems to be so stark these days is, I hope,  in its death throes at the end of a long age of darkness. I hope that this is the dawn of a new age of non-dual perception.

Peace mounts to the heavens,

The heavens descend to earth,

Earth lies under the heavens,

Everyone is strong.

–Victory Song of the Morrigan, Book of Fermoy

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