Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

Painting the World (Edisto Island, SC)

This morning I watched dawn being painted upon the screen of my awareness. As the sun rose above the clouds, a copper/orange pathway was painted upon the surface of the water. At the same time, a dolphin undulated its way across this pathway, surfacing and disappearing. My perception was that the world was being painted by/within the supreme being. The scene was so riveting that my awareness was able to be sustained upon the scene. At the same time, my awareness was also directed within. By painting the world, God entices me into continuous, unbroken awareness. This is the state of the Self.

I wrote in my meditation journal: The great secret is that I do not have to let the world put me to sleep. I don’t need the excuse that the world is responsible for my lack of awareness. Shiva drishti, open-eyed meditation, is possible.

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