Praying and Art

How do you Pray?
Next time you pray, try praying in a way that leaves a trace. Try journaling, drawing, or recording your prayers. If the way you pray is to take a walk to commune with nature, collect items that sing out to you, bring them home, and take a fresh look at them. If you hold sacred space for meditation or journeying, before going off into the journey, take a moment to test the quality, texture, and form of the space that you uniquely create. Test it again when you ‘come back’.All self-knowledge is valuable but the experiences of your intimate and unalienable soul are of immense worth. They teach us new and surprising things about who we are in a way that transcends the story of our lives. Your Spiritual Signature points the way to the most precious gifts that you can develop and share with others. The experience of connecting and reflecting on our soul’s spiritual signature is so profound that it becomes a source of great strength, humility, and love for our whole lives.

– Dr. Jessamine Dana of the Woman and the Owl Project: Cultivating Women Spiritual Leaders

image of stones with kolam, South Indian domestic prosperity symbols drawn on them (traditionally with rice flour)

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