“Follow the course of nature day by day.”

Last Roses (August 17, 2012, 12:19 pm, Anchorage, AK)
Kathy’s Garden (August 17, 12:17 pm, Anchorage, AK)

Nature is filled with examples of gentleness. Let them inspire you… Follow the course of nature day by day.

— Gurumayi Chivilasananda, Enthusiasm, 138

This morning had its own subtle essential qualities, difficult to put into words. I felt the uniqueness of the sunlight, muted partially by clouds. I breathed in the warm air with its barely-detectable fragrance. The chickadees and nuthatches seemed to have songs and rhythms of movement adapted to this particular morning. Like a bee alighting on a flower to snuffle in its nectar, I imbibe each moment. Each moment is unique and special, and will never happen in the same way again. It is my retreat to behold nature each morning. It provides me with a flavour for the day, something to re-experience throughout the day as I remember to– when I “wake up.”


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