Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

Eternity’s Sunrise (September 11, 2012, 7:10 am, Anchorage, AK)
“One thing that comes out in myths, for example, is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light.”

~Joseph Campbell

This entry is about how I have been given a “sign” that the current project is rightfully coming to completion (Art in the Making: Entering the Void with the Eyes Open– a series of fifteen drawings).

This morning I woke after having a dream where I was circumventing a huge black hole, like a quarry. I made a note to myself that I wanted to contemplate the dream later.

When I rose and looked out the window, I saw the sky just before sunrise, and took the above picture. After observing sunrise (at its exact moment), I did this  morning’s nature meditation, during which I saw two magpies playing and dancing with each other in the air. The verse by William Blake came to me as today’s theme: Kiss the Joy As It Flies.

Later, when I sat to meditate, in the course of the meditation, I unexpectedly entered the hole.  As I immersed myself in the black hole, as if I were going to swim in a quarry, I was buoyed up by a series of unending sunrises. Inside the black hole was the “eternal sunrise.”

At the very end of my series of fifteen drawings entitled: Art in the Making:Entering the Void with the Eyes Open, I entered the Void, and found that inside of the hole, which had seemed to be fearful and black, was “eternity’s sunrise.” I am moved deeply by this experience, and I am filled with gratitude.

It always helps to have a “sign” that what I have done was meant to be. And indeed it was. I will continue to keep myself open to learning what this experience has to teach me. I will bring it to completion. And I will begin the next project “as assigned.”


by William Blake
He who binds to himself a joy 
Does the winged life destroy
He who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sunrise

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