Thoughts on my Next Project

Follow the course of nature day by day.

— Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

 Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.


To the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders.

–Lao Tzu

As I end the current series of 15 drawings: Art in the Making: Entering the Void with the Eyes Open, I am receiving some inspiration about the next series.

The above three quotes seem to provide a foundation for the next series.

I have discovered that without the deadline that I had for the first series (Cushendall Tower Residency) I procrastinated and didn’t do a drawing a week. This meant I spent less time drawing. I found that I was more tentative with the drawing process. I need to draw at least five days a week.

Here is my idea at present. One drawing a week created by drawing for at least five days during the week. This will keep me in the flow. I will make the above three quotes the foundation of this series. I may do something different this time. I think I will use better paper, keep the drawings within margins, add lettering (quotes, poems), and, perhaps, add one fluid modality. I am inspired by the artist who painted with tea (video).

These are my thoughts for now.

I still need to complete the last drawing, create categories for the two series in the blog so that people can see just the drawings, and organize a showing.

My longing to be in Cushendall is so intense because I feel that is the place that vibrates with my soul. I hope to return. In the meantime, I must learn to ensoul the place I am in.

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