Underneath It All

She is the Hag, the Wild Woman, the Wise Woman. She is Baba Yaga, La Loba, Hecate.

Embedded in her name is the weight of history, religious persecution, torture, death, and the stigma of what remains – “evil doer”, “stick rider”, “night monster”.

But before that, she was the Knowing One, the Diviner, the One with Inner Wisdom. Because of her tumultuous history, few of us are willing to know her intimately. But she lives on.

There is an aura of darkness around her – from her past, from what is still unknown. And yet, we felt her between our fingers in the dirt as children, sensed her in the shadows, heard her breathing beneath the bed before we fell asleep.

We love her and we fear her. She is the part of us we cannot forget and yearn to bring back to life.


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