Entering the Void with the Eyes Open Leads to Assignment 3

The soul must learn to tend the senses carefully but must not suppress or deaden them…  The soul must learn to travel through the earthly world with the senses awake but under its sovereign rule.

— Rudolf Meyer, The Wisdom of Fairy Tales, 24-25

In this chapter, “The Destiny of Primal Wisdom,” Meyer explains that in the course of soul evolution, the ancestral wisdom must be sacrificed to the development of individuality. The soul then comes to experience itself as bereft and cast adrift. The senses become a prison. Then, as Self knowledge begins to bloom within the individual, the senses become spiritualized and the heart opens. The human being anoints the world with his or her own Self knowledge.

Assignment 3 must keep me on this path of open-eyed awareness, where the senses are impregnated with Self awareness. Discoveries will continue to be made through the drawing process. But they cannot be forced. They will arrive in their own time as I follow disciplined practice.

Three elements:

“Follow the course of nature day by day.”  — Gurumayi Chidvilsananda

Observation of the world through the senses while invoking the witness state.

Holding an openness to the “ancient” wisdom (fairy tales, myths). Through fairy tales the ancient wisdom was preserved because the collective honed out the unessential.

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