Transcending the play of opposites.

Cold at Dawn (4.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Cold at Dawn (4.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Cold at Dawn (4.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)

This morning, standing on the front porch at sunrise, I became aware of the play of opposites as heat and cold that create the form that the snow takes through melting during the day and refreezing at night.

It is the play of opposites that governs change in the world of nature, which includes humans.

When we remain in the Witness state, we can enter consciously into this play. We are “in the world but not of it.” We transcend being trapped in polarity. If there was no polarity there would be no manifest world.

As we remain aware of this play of opposites, we can continually create balance. We are also able to be of true service to the world. When what we call service comes out of entrapment in the opposites rather than transcendence of them, we are unconscious of what is really needed in any situation we are in.

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