Everything is connected.

Evening at Potter Marsh (4.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Evening at Potter Marsh (4.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)– (quote on the sign is from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

As all things in nature are connected, it is also true that all humanity is connected. What we think, feel,  and do contributes to the fabric of humanity and creation. One of our greatest challenges in this life is to understand this.

When we do understand this, when we know it in our hearts, it is a sign we have become more conscious, more awake. We long only to think and do that which brings joy and eases the suffering of all beings. We lose the arrogance of looking down on any of our fellow human beings and we welcome all into the circle.

When we forget, as we do, we are offered another chance to remember.

As the dawn of a new chapter in our global awareness rises, we look upon what happens in the private, public, and political arenas, and we remember that the opening of the human heart brings balance.  As this balance is increasingly activated, we see the teachings of the Masters manifested in the world. We do what our unique personal nature leads us to do for the upliftment of humanity.

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