Everything I do must fold seamlessly into who I AM.

My scarf-- on plane, returning from Cushendall (10.4.11)
My scarf– on plane, returning from Cushendall (10.4.11)

Sometimes I feel like I’m pulling at so many threads in order to weave them more soundly  into the cloth of my life. Sometimes I doubt the number of these threads. Are all of these threads part of the total cloth of my life, or do I need to pull some of them out?

I feel I must be patient with the process. This is a time of rapid change. If I am present in the moment and true to my heart’s guidance, I will continue to experience integration and learn how to integrate what needs to be part of the cloth of my life and soul more rapidly.

Ultimately, I know that everything I do must fold seamlessly into the cloth of who I AM.

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